Beautiful Foodie On Blog!


Hello everyone!

So Beautiful Foodie is finally going LIVE on website now!ย I cannot express how happy I am to indulge in this passion of mine! Food has been my love and great food makes me so happy that I can fight the biggest battle after a great meal! (Just kidding, i’d probably be too tired and lazy to move) But still, It elates my mind, body and soul that I can possibly be too happy to take on the world!

What beautiful Foodie is all about?

Beautiful Foodie is all about girls who just love to eat!
Not pretending to shy away from food, I am one of those flawless human beings that just love to savor the awesome flavors that exist on planet earth. I represent the girl foodies, who just love to binge, hog, gulp and LOVE the Gluttons! And why shouldn’t one ? ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, What will this blogย contain?

This blog is not just one cliched blog with dullness and not much exciting things to view.Since it is ‘Beautiful Foodie’, I shall be reviewing beauty products for my beautiful gurliess and helping them out with their what products-to-buy and what not too :0

Apart from that, I have something exclusive planned up in line,which will be telling shortly!
Again, Nothing-Cliched

Alright, Enough About beautiful Foodie,

So Who is writing this Blog and Who is She?

๐Ÿ˜› I am Manmeet Kaur by real name and ‘Samy’ as my pet name. I am a die hard foodie and love to explore and eat great food and talk over food with people, chat, write, discuss, I bet I can even make best friends with people who love the same food as I ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ™‚

I am soo intriguedย by soo many different types of food, different cuisines, soo many different varieties, that if left secluded in my favorite place, i’ll be the most happiest kid ever ๐Ÿ™‚ I love to eat, drink, desserts are my weakness and sinful chocolate desserts are what I take so much pleasure in!

So, with taking onto the journey of great food experiences and writing down literally my food for thought or let’s say- ‘Thoughts for Food’, I am really excited to share with you all my adventures and experiences of eating at places ย I have visited and will visit! ๐Ÿ™‚

Stay tuned for so much more coming up your way


Till Next Time! ๐Ÿ™‚

Manmeet Kaur
Beautiful Foodie